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The Intersection of Faith & Culture

At Scholé Academy, we have carefully considered how we should engage our contemporary culture as those who believe that Christ is the Truth (John 14:6), and that all truth has its source in him. We think it is important to provide our upper-school students (in grades 7–12) with tools and opportunities for critically examining various cultural trends, issues, and mores through the lens of orthodox, Christian beliefs. Being confident in the truth revealed to us in creation, the Scriptures, and the tradition of the church, we are not afraid to follow the truth and its implications nor to address error and falsehood.

Having this confidence, we nonetheless believe we can learn a great deal from those outside the Christian faith. All humans can engage truth embedded in creation and human nature and make meaningful contributions to our own understanding of what is true, good, and beautiful. Thus, we welcome respectful conversation with anyone seeking to know more of the true, good, and beautiful.

Therefore, we don’t want our upper-school students to fear healthy debate and academic discourse which will help them clarify their understanding of truth in Scripture, creation, and the tradition of the church. At all times, we will seek the guidance from the great teachers of the church as well as from contemporary Christian apologists and pastors.

Our teachers seek to wisely shepherd students through conversations of “faith seeking understanding” on a variety of topics both ancient and modern. At various times, our teachers will set forth guidelines for respectful debate and discussion, while being careful to preserve and reach the goals set out for a particular class.

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