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Literary Society Student Club

Are books some of your favorite things? Do you need some new book recommendations? 

Do you want other people to know about books you’ve enjoyed? 

Come to Scholé Academy’s new Literary Society to share your book recs and hear from your peers about books they’ve loved! Each monthly meeting will have a different theme and every attendee will be asked to show up with at least one book that fits within that category. Everyone will have a chance to give a short book talk to “pitch” their book selection to the group, and all the titles will be compiled on our club’s Canvas page. We’ll also have some fun book discussion online between our monthly meetings! This club is open to all 4th through 6th graders and will be a great chance to practice some presentation skills as well as hear about lots of books that may be new to us. We may all leave with our TBR (to-be-read) lists overflowing, but what a great problem to have!
Mrs. Wise loves to talk books with anyone who’ll listen, so please reach out to her at [email protected] for more info.
Happy reading!

2024 Literary Society Interest Meeting

When: Information coming soon!

Where: Literary Society Club Zoom Room with Mrs. Wise (email [email protected] for the Zoom ID)

Topics to be discussed: Club goals, meeting plans, potential activities, and more!

If you are interested in the club, but unable to attend this meeting, reach out to Mrs. Wise to receive the recording.