“Welcome to the Sanctity of Life Club!
Here we will alternate monthly meetings with a lesson on the importance of life at every stage, from conception until natural death, with works of mercy done together where we can inspire others to appreciate God’s hand in creation!
For example, here are some meeting topics and activities we will accomplish this year:
- create encouraging letters and/or drawings to be mailed to a crisis pregnancy center
- learn how to easily defend life through logic and reasoning if we are ever talking with someone who doesn’t understand the importance of life
- learn about Respect for the Aged Day which is celebrated in Japan every September and honors the elderly in a unique way
We hope you can join us this year to help make a difference in our world!”

2023 Sanctity of Life Interest Meeting
When: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 | 3:30 pm EST
Where: Sanctity of Life Club Zoom Room with Mrs. Minehart (email [email protected] for the Zoom ID)
Topics to be discussed: Club goals, meeting plans, potential activities, and more!
If you are interested in the club, but unable to attend this meeting, reach out to Mrs. Minehart to receive the recording.